Learners will gain basic knowledge of childcare within early years settings, including nurseries, pre-schools, and under 5’s day centres. The course will provide information on key caring responsibilities and some of the legal requirements required by practitioners to support the care, safety, and well being of children aged 0 – 5 years in line with
The course includes; Outline of the Early Learning Prime and Specific areas Development of babies and young children 0-3 and 3-5 years
- Babies and young children and the importance of play
- Inclusion and disability awareness
- Safeguarding and child protection
- Outline of policies and legislation
- Further reading
The new statutory framework applies from 1 September 2021. Until then, the current framework applies.
The course will cover
- Revisions to educational programmes
- Revisions to the 17 Early Learning Goals including
- Communication and Language and the focus on adult-child interactions and referring to tenses.
- Mathematics with greater clarity to counting and comparing quantities in the Numerical Patterns.
- Understanding the World with a change in relation to the Past and Present ELG to further clarify the expectation of children understanding the concept of ‘past’.
- Expressive Arts and Design and the reference to a greater variety of use of tools, materials, and techniques that children will need to demonstrate for the Creating with Materials.
- Proposed changes to the assessment and moderation process
- Strengthening literacy and numeracy skills
- Additional information required for self-care and healthy eating.
- Strengthening the link between gross and fine motor skills with a greater focus on development from birth to reception
- Literacy will include a stronger emphasis on pre-reception literacy learning
- Focusing on the link between language comprehension
- Providing greater detail on the importance of shapes, spatial reasoning and measurement
- How to give wider experiences for children for Understanding the world
- Encouraging creative skills will include a wider variety of ways children can develop their creative skills.
- Review on the handbook to ensure that it is clear on how practitioners should complete the Profile for children with SEND, EAL and who are summer born, including signposting to additional advice and support where appropriate.
- The revised version of Development Matters
- The new Birth to 5 Matters guidance
The course will reflect how to meet and grade the criteria within the setting.
There is no previous experience required for this course, but learners must be over the age of 16.
You must have a good understanding of basic English and basic IT skills to navigate the online module.
The course will be assessed by Case studies, questions at the end of the online module in order to assess your knowledge and understanding.
This course will qualify you in Early Years Foundation valid for 2 years
Other courses commonly completed with this course include:
- Baby development
- Safeguarding level 3
- Emergency first aid at work (adults)
This course can be a qualification towards careers in:
- Entry into childcare work
- Nursery nurse
- Child practitioner
- Childminder
- Teacher
- Youth work