Baby & Child: Basic Life Support (with choking protocols for all ages)
Background Information
Infant Child Adult
0 – 1year 1year – puberty puberty+
Child 1year – puberty
Most medical emergencies in infant and children occur due to a problem with the airway and breathing.
Signs of Sever Choking
Usually witnessed
Unable to vocalise or cry
Sudden onset Unable to breath
Recent history of eating or playing with small objects Quiet or silent cough.
Reduced level of consciousness
Change in colour
Severe choking (adults and children)
Up to 5 Back Blows Up to 5 Abdominal Thrusts
if patient becomes unconscious start BLS
Severe choking (infants)
Up to 5 Back Blows Up to 5 Chest Thrusts
if patient becomes unconscious start BLS
Other points – choking
Normal breathing present
Normal breathing absent
send for an ambulance
if no helper, perform 1 min BLS before calling an ambulance
Initial rescue breaths
Basic life support (child)
Basic life support (child)
Continue Basic Life Support 30:2 until:
Professional help arrives
The casualty shows signs of regaining consciousness and starts to breathe normally
You become exhausted (stop & swap after 1-2 minutes)
Open the airway (infant)
Normal breathing present
Normal Breathing absent
Send for an ambulance
if no helper, perform 1 min BLS before calling an ambulance
Initial rescue breaths
Basic life support (child)
Basic life support (baby)
Continue Basic Life Support 30:2
Professional help arrives
The casualty shows signs of regaining consciousness and starts to breathe normally
You become exhausted (stop & swap after 2 minutes)
Key points
3 important modifications for babies/children:
Health care professionals
Donate to Bart’s City Life Saver