Challenging Behaviours in Early Years Level 2


Course Introduction:

Welcome to Challenging Behaviour in Early Years Level 2. This course is designed for educators and practitioners working in early years settings who wish to develop a comprehensive understanding of challenging behaviour and learn effective strategies for managing it. Throughout the course, you will explore the underlying causes of challenging behaviour, assess and monitor behavioural patterns using evidence-based tools, and implement both preventative and responsive strategies. The course also emphasises the importance of a whole-school approach, multi-agency collaboration, and ongoing evaluation and reflection to ensure practices are inclusive, effective, and aligned with UK legislation and best practice guidelines such as the Children Act 2014, the SEND Code of Practice (2015), and the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework.



Course Introduction:

Welcome to Challenging Behaviour in Early Years Level 2. This course is designed for educators and practitioners working in early years settings who wish to develop a comprehensive understanding of challenging behaviour and learn effective strategies for managing it. Throughout the course, you will explore the underlying causes of challenging behaviour, assess and monitor behavioural patterns using evidence-based tools, and implement both preventative and responsive strategies. The course also emphasises the importance of a whole-school approach, multi-agency collaboration, and ongoing evaluation and reflection to ensure practices are inclusive, effective, and aligned with UK legislation and best practice guidelines such as the Children Act 2014, the SEND Code of Practice (2015), and the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework.

Course Objectives:

  • To develop a deep understanding of what constitutes challenging behaviour in early years settings and its impact on children, peers, and the educational environment.
  • To learn how to assess and monitor behaviour using tools such as ABC charts, frequency recording, and reflective observation.
  • To explore and implement preventative and responsive strategies that promote positive behaviour and mitigate challenging behaviour.
  • To understand the role of a whole-school approach and the importance of collaboration between educators, families, and external professionals.
  • To gain skills in evaluating and reflecting on behaviour management strategies for continuous improvement and professional development.
  • To ensure that all practices are compliant with UK laws and guidelines, supporting a safe, inclusive, and effective learning environment for all children.


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